EmpathyWhat employee attitudes and behaviors do you want to nurture when hiring, training, coaching, and recognizing employee excellence? Prized...
Internal Pain PointsWhen building a CX Program, don't forget to also focus on the experiences of your own employees, because the quality of the service they...
It's Not My JobEnemy #1 to any CX Program is the notion that "It's not my job." Even though job descriptions sometimes say "other duties as assigned,"...
Straight TalkToday's consumers have a healthy dose of skepticism. They look warily at claims made by private and public institutions. They question...
Being a Change Agent can be a Lonely JourneyTo improve experiences for transit customers often requires that transit agencies undergo change. Previous assumptions and practices may...
Cultural TransformationA CX Plan cannot script customer-centric behaviors for every scenario. The situations are simply too numerous. As such, CX needs to...
Does Ridership Matter Any More?Yes it does! Ridership growth had been the goal of transit for many decades, but even prior to the COVID pandemic transit ridership was...