CXO Profiles, Alicia Leite, Connecticut DOTIn the bustling world of public transportation, where efficiency and reliability are paramount, there exists a quieter yet equally vital...
CXO Profiles - Patricia Lucy, TransLinkWelcome to the fourth in a series of profiles of transit Customer Experience leaders. Today, I am featuring Patricia Lucy, who oversees...
CXO Profiles - Danny Levy, MBTAWelcome to the third in a series of profiles of transit Customer Experience (CX) leaders. Today, I am featuring Danny Levy, Chief...
CXO Profiles: Rhonda Allen, MARTAWelcome to the second in a series of profiles of transit Customer Experience leaders. Today, I am featuring Rhonda Allen, Chief Customer...
CXO Profiles: Russ Arnold, Sound TransitWelcome to the first in a series of profiles of transit Customer Experience leaders. Today, I am featuring Russ Arnold, newly promoted...
CX Across America (written by Aaron Weinstein for Mass Transit magazine)As with many other industries, Customer Experience (CX) programs are taking transit by storm. All across America, transit agencies are...