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Internal Pain Points

When building a CX Program, don't forget to also focus on the experiences of your own employees, because the quality of the service they deliver to riders depends on how easily they can get things done. Moreover, the no-hassle, quality experiences you provide to employees can in turn inspire employees to elevate how they treat customers.

frustrated woman employee, head in hand

Some examples of pain points employees may experience:

  • Has anyone recently assessed the process to get supplies from the storeroom? What is the experience like for employees? How many approvals are needed? Are the approvals easy to obtain? For reorders or materials that involve lag time, are employees provided with ETA's and updates?

  • Have you looked at the most common questions fielded by your front-line employees, and whether they feel they have the information and tools they need to provide the customer with great service?

  • Do professional or supervisory employees ever tell you that there isn't enough time in the day to do the real work because they are spending excessive time on administrative processes like payroll, procurement, hiring, performance appraisals, accounts payable, IT support, or other areas?

Tip: consider conducting comprehensive CX surveys among employees to identify top pain points, then have the CEO direct the departments that own the painful processes to prepare white papers outlining options for relieving the pain. Here is an example of an internal CX question we developed at BART:

Excerpt of BART employee questionnaire. Asks employees to rate about two dozen aspects of internal customer service on a scale of Poor to Excellent.
  • Have you ever wanted to implement a CX capital improvement and been told it will take at least five years to deliver? Have you ever thought about stepping back and examining all the steps required in the process?

Tip: if you don't have streamlining expertise in-house, consider engaging "Process Mapping" experts to document your current processes, identify steps that are discretionary, and identify opportunities to streamline. Also, have the leadership of your organization consider authorizing a separate, streamlined path for top CX priorities to speed delivery of CX improvements.

Another opportunity to improve employee CX is to surprise and delight them on occasion so that they know the organization cares about them. Maybe surprise them with lattes or a buffet table to grab a refreshment at the start of their shift? Don't forget to add decorations, messaging, and music to make it festive and celebratory. And of course regularly provide prominent recognition of top CX performers to reinforce the CX culture you are building!


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